The Blog About Therapy

20th May 2024

Managing Anxiety and Stress: A Journey to Calm

Managing Anxiety and Stress: A Journey to Calm Introduction: Meet Sarah. Like many, she juggles the responsibilities of work, family,…

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Managing Anxiety and Stress A Journey to Calm Landscape Female
19th May 2024

Understanding and Overcoming Depression: A Path to Wellness

Understanding and Overcoming Depression: A Path to Wellness Depression is more than just feeling down; it’s a pervasive condition that…

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Depression with Hope
16th November 2018

Understanding Anxiety: What It Is and How It Affects Us

Understanding Anxiety: What It Is and How It Affects Us What is Anxiety? Understanding Anxiety can be challenging. Anxiety is…

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Worried Cave Man
16th November 2018

The Power of Language: Transforming Relationships by Avoiding the word “Why”

The Power of Language: Transforming Relationships by Avoiding the word “Why” As a therapist who loves working with children, I…

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Why not to use the word why in conversation Square
16th November 2018

Depression a Friend not a Foe: The Overprotective Parent We Never Asked For

Depression a Friend not a Foe: The Overprotective Parent We Never Asked For Understanding How Depression Aims to Protect Us,…

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Depression a Friend or Foe

Our Mission

Improve the quality of our lives through improving the quality of our thoughts

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At Empathy Rooms, Our Vision is a world living with healthier, happier minds.

Our Motto

At Empathy Rooms, Our Motto is, quite simply “Thinking About Thoughts”

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